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Instant Coffee

Instant coffee has become a popular choice for coffee lovers around the world. Its convenience and quick preparation make it a go-to option for those who need their caffeine fix on the go. When it comes to choosing, there are so many options available for instant coffee UK wide, however, we definitely suggest Miles. So, grab your favourite mug, add hot water and enjoy a delicious cup of Miles’s best instant coffee (decaf if you wish) anytime and anywhere.

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Is instant coffee good for you?

Instant coffee is made in a few different ways, however it all uses coffee which has previously been brewed. Whether it’s been freeze-died or spray-dried, it doesn’t change much of the original nutritional content. Therefore, much like regular coffee it can very much be part of a healthy, balanced diet when consumed in moderation. Instant coffee still contains the antioxidants and caffeine found in regular coffee which can benefit the drinker. It is important to remember though, that although caffeine can have his perks, it also can have negative effects on your health such as increased heart rate or blood pressure. Some instant coffees may also contain added ingredients such as sugar or additives, which in excess, can have negative effects on health. If you are unsure it is best to check the label of any product you buy as this will list all ingredients you may need to be aware of. So, as long as it is enjoyed in moderation, instant coffee can be great part of your balanced diet.

What are the different types of instant coffee?

Instant coffee can come in a few different varieties which all come down to the way the coffee is dried. Some of the more common methods of these are freeze drying, spray drying or agglomerating. Freeze drying, is exactly what it says – the coffee is brewed and then frozen. Once the coffee has frozen, the water is then removed from the coffee using a process of sublimation. Spray drying coffee, is also, much like its name suggests – brewed coffee is sprayed into a chamber, where the coffee is dried out, however, the flavour and aroma can sometimes suffer as a result of this method. Finally, agglomerated instant coffee is made using very fine coffee particles & steam to create larger coffee granules. What this results in, is a fast dissolving instant coffee when the hot water is added, due to its solubility. Here at Miles, our instant coffee is freeze-dried to retain as much flavour and aroma as possible.

What's the difference between instant coffee and brewed coffee?

The main difference between instant coffee and freshly brewed coffee is the taste. Instant coffee is made by removing the water from coffee which has been freshly brewed. During this process, taste, aroma & overall quality is lost, however, convenience is achieved, as hot water can just be added and so if you’re in a rush and need that hit of coffee, instant coffee is great! On the other hand, freshly brewed coffee can’t be beat for taste and aroma. Hot water is poured over/through the ground coffee beans which instantly allows for the flavour and aroma to seep out into the hot water, resulting in a much richer tasting coffee. While each can have its own positives and negatives, both are great ways to enjoy coffee, especially from us here at Miles!

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